Climate intelligence for informed decisions

Climate change is driving a surge in extreme weather events and disasters


As impacts intensify, understanding and responding to climate-related risks is critical.

Our climate analytics platform can help

  • Assess current risks to your assets
  • Predict long-term impacts across multiple scenarios
  • Proactively mitigate climate change-related threats
  • Ensure uninterrupted operations and reduce financial losses
  • Identify opportunities for strategic expansion


Backed by Climate Science

Risk metrics derived using projections from NASA's state-of-the-art CMIP6 climate models

Ultra-high resolution

Predictions from climate models are spatially downscaled to sub-kilometer resolution

Powered by AI

Highly accurate predictions produced using AI approaches, including deep learning

Extensive Coverage

All major disaster types covered up to 2100 for a range of emissions scenarios


Easy-to-use platform focused on a relevant and interpretable set of curated variables


Detailed information on risk variables is available through the platform


We will be conducting an open beta test soon where you can try the full platform for free. Subscribe to our newsletter to stay informed.